Anxious About Your Upcoming Nuptials? Here's How to Manage

Everyone tells you it’s going to be the happiest day of your life. At some point, that line may feel like a whole lot of pressure. Who could possibly live up to such expectations? Well, for starters, please know that you are certainly not alone. Wedding jitters are normal and common. 

That said, even though it is common, anxiety about your nuptials should never be brushed off. Fortunately, there are many helpful options at your disposal. The suggestions and ideas listed below can go a long way toward keeping happy on your happiest day. 

Why Might You Be Anxious About Your Upcoming Nuptials?

The possibilities are diverse and virtually limitless. But some common themes exist. It could relate to logistics, e.g. wedding plans like food, photos, and daily feuds about planning. Just as likely, the anxiety you are experiencing might be connected to longer-term issues like marriage compatibility, finances, and more. Whatever the combination of causes at play, you have there power to manage your emotions and make self-loving choices. 

4 Ways to Manage Pre-Wedding Anxiety 

1. Awareness and Acceptance 

Anxiety is the most common mental health issue on the planet. There is nothing to be ashamed of if a major life event has you on edge. Being aware of how you feel is a giant step toward accepting it. From there, you’re better positioned to manage things. Two related suggestions:

  • Feel What You Need to Feel: Attempting to squash your emotions does not get rid of them. You’ll do much better by allowing yourself to experience your feelings, learn from them, and then move forward.

  • Keep a Journal: Monitor your triggers and your methods of self-soothing. Keeping track of what’s going on in your life demystifies the process — creating space to set useful goals. 

image of a woman placing a wedding ring on her fiance's finger

2. Create a Balance

As important as all the details are, they are not the only factors in your life. Anxiety is a proficient liar. A fun way to expose such deception is to do the opposite. When you feel you must dedicate every waking hour to being prepared, make plans to meet friends and see a movie. It’ll be a challenge at first. But once you start reaping the rewards of balance and distraction, you’ll appreciate how calming it feels. 

3. Self-Care

Yes, some things are simply too reliable to not include. There is no replacement for a commitment to self-care. It not only fortifies your resilience but also reminds you that you’re worth the daily effort. The basic elements to keep in mind include:

  • Stress management and relaxation techniques like meditation, breathing exercises, and yoga

  • Making healthy eating choices at every meal (and in between)

  • Maintaining a regular sleep routine 

  • Engaging in exercise every single day

4. Risk Imperfection 

We all know this but how many of us accept it? No wedding — no person — is perfect. Holding yourself to an impossible standard is a guarantee of high anxiety. Meanwhile, think back to any wedding you’ve attended. Did you walk around looking for mistakes? Did anyone take note if a flower was out of place or the band missed a note? Your guests are there to celebrate you and to have some fun? They’re on your side. So, have fun planning with the full realization that a few glitches are inevitable. 

Do Your Upcoming Nuptials Have You Feeling Overwhelmed?

There will be times when self-help tips are just not enough — and that’s okay. That’s where someone like me can step in to provide the support and guidance you deserve. Committing to therapy is an ideal way to navigate the wedding — and marriage — preparations. Reach out soon to learn more about anxiety treatment and how it can help you before your big day.


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