Are You Experiencing Symptoms Of Depression And Looking For Guidance?

Do you struggle to get out of bed? Does your negative outlook prevent you from engaging in activities that once brought you joy? Would you like to break through the fog that prevents you from taking control of your life?

When you’re depressed, it can feel difficult to complete even simple tasks like getting ready for the day or returning a text. Perhaps you’re having difficulties at work, school, or at home because you lack focus and motivation. Moreover, it seems like your negative outlook keeps you isolated and alone. You may find it hard to connect with others, even those you love. Feelings of lethargy and despair seem to permeate your mood and leave you feeling shut down and numb.

The symptoms of depression might manifest as aches and pains in your body or impact your eating and sleeping habits, which can make you feel even worse. Maybe you are using drugs and alcohol as a way of coping with your depression, even though you realize your behavior is self-destructive and only masks the pain you’re in.

Even if you have experienced a combination of these symptoms for as long as you can remember, the good news is you can improve your outlook and take back control of your life by learning effective ways of dealing with your depression. Treatment can provide you with physical and emotional relief from depression so you can rediscover the satisfaction in life you’ve been missing.

Depression Is On The Rise And Many Suffer From Its Effects

In 2017, around 17.3 million adults in the U.S.—roughly 6.7 percent—had experienced at least one major depressive episode in the last year. Unfortunately, these numbers have risen since the onset of the COVID 19 pandemic. From August 2020 to February 2021, the CDC reported an increase from 36.4 percent to 41.5 percent in the number of adults reporting recent symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Depression is widespread—it affects everyone, from children to the elderly, and symptoms manifest on a wide spectrum. Some people are more prone to depression due to genetics or the influence of a depressed parent or spouse. Others experience situational depression following a loss, trauma, illness, or major life transition such as losing a loved one, getting fired from a job, or going through a divorce.

Moreover, the stressors of day-to-day life in the 21st century add to the conditions that foster depression. It can feel like you are expected to keep your life moving at a break-neck pace that can become untenable. When you reach your breaking point and can no longer meet these unrealistic standards you may shut down or be flooded with feelings of hopelessness and despair.

Some avoid getting help with depression because they are accustomed to coping with it on their own. What’s more, the very nature of a depressed mood can make you lack the motivation to take action, which includes seeking out therapy. And sadly, the stigma surrounding mental illness still persists, preventing some from addressing the problem due to embarrassment or shame.

Treatment for depression offers you the opportunity to work on yourself and learn helpful strategies to lift you out of the fog and change your life for the better. Once you are willing to receive help, depression therapy can open the door to a whole new way of perceiving the world.

Working Together, We Can Develop Strategies To Combat Your Depression

When you feel depressed, you might find yourself struggling to keep up with daily life. Together we can challenge your negative patterns of thinking and develop strategies to help you address the external factors that cause you discomfort or pain. Therapy for depression can give you a safe space to explore and understand your experience. I aim to be warm, relational, and nonjudgmental as we collectively work together to make changes in your life that can lead to lasting relief.

In our ongoing sessions, we will identify the biological, psychological, and social factors contributing to your experience with depression. If it’s determined that medication management may help reduce symptoms of depression, I can coordinate care with a psychiatrist that can run parallel with therapy. You will also learn proven evidence-based methods that will help you identify and address your negative thought patterns. You will learn exercises and strategies to challenge these ways of thinking that provide you with lasting relief.

I utilize various evidence-based modalities for treating depression, including Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Motivational Interviewing (MI). DBT offers techniques that can provide you with immediate relief within the session and that you can take with you to continue to implement in your daily life.

With MI, I will ask you questions about your depression with the goal of determining root causes through curious inquiry. For example, we may explore your personal history or environmental causes that feed your depression—such as an unhealthy relationship or a stressful workplace. Once we identify these causes, we can work together to address and mitigate them head-on.

By creating and achieving tangible goals in therapy, you can set your desires into motion and gain more control over your life. It is possible to find manageable solutions for overcoming your depression and restore a sense of well-being. 

But you may still be wondering whether depression treatment is right for you…

Can’t I just take medication to treat my depression?

Combining medication with therapy is the most effective form of depression treatment. While medication alone may alleviate depression symptoms, it can also have side effects and, without therapy, the same problems often re-appear once you stop taking medication. There is certainly a place for medication in the treatment of depression, which we can discuss as an option. However, according to the American Psychological Association, research shows that psychotherapy is an effective form of depression therapy that often goes underutilized.

Depression treatment seems expensive and time-consuming.

I would like you to think about how long you have been suffering from depression and how it has impacted your life. Maybe it causes you to miss work or feel disconnected from friends and family. Or perhaps you are self-medicating with drugs or alcohol in order to cope. Depression counseling can help you to reconnect with others, be more productive at work, and find long-term relief. Yes, depression treatment is an investment, however, the return on this type of investment can be priceless.

I don’t want anyone to know I am in therapy for depression.

This is a very common fear. However, with the exception of severe cases, no one needs to know that you are in therapy unless you choose to share it.  Most people want to experience an improvement in their quality of life. Seeking help for depression should not be viewed as a sign of weakness but rather a sign of strength toward living the life you deserve. With the right help, you can build a better life for yourself and those around you.

When You Find Relief From Depression, A New Way Of Living Is Possible

I want to help you find the solutions you’re looking for to feel better and get back to the satisfaction in life you’ve been missing. For a free, 15-minute consultation, please visit the contact page.

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