Is Major Depression Permanent?

Like almost anything in life, there are degrees of severity to depression. Some people may only feel blue every once in a while and others may have a daily impact of depression. On the furthest end of the scale lies major depression, a persistent and penetrating form of depression. 

Millions of Americans are affected by major depression every year. Due to the nature of the condition, many people who live with ask themselves, “Will I always feel this way?” Although major depression is not a straightforward mental health concern, there are plenty of routes you can take to learn to live with your depression. Keep reading to learn more about major depression and its lasting effects. 

What is major depression?

Major depression, also referred to as clinical depression or major depressive disorder, is one of the most severe forms of depression. Although symptoms of depression can vary from person to person, there are several distinguishing traits. These traits include the following: 

  • Difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much 

  • Trouble with appetite 

  • Intense feelings of sadness

  • Difficulty concentrating or increased irritability 

  • Lack of interest in activities that once brought you joy 

  • Feelings of hopelessness

  • Suicidal thoughts or ideations

The severity of these symptoms will ebb and flow over your life. Sometimes you may not notice them at all while others it may be all you think about. The persistence of these symptoms is another indication that you may be living with major depression.

Does major depression last forever?

The good news is that major depression is not necessarily a life sentence. With the proper treatment, many people will learn to completely manage their depression. The process may be ongoing, but you will not always be living with symptoms of depression. 

The pathway to recovery from major depression will probably be challenging and discouraging at times. But with ongoing support from your loved ones and following the treatment steps you can find below, you will be able to recover. 

Learning to live with major depression

The good news about all of this is that there are several routes you can take to cope with your major depression. Try adding a few of the following into your daily life or routine. 

  • Consider taking medication: Taking medication for your depression is an incredibly helpful step in coping with your persistent symptoms. Talk with your doctor to learn what is best for you.

  • Bolster your support network: Your family and friends want to see you not only survive but thrive. When you need support from your loved ones, do not be afraid to let them know! There is no weakness in asking for help. It is a sign of strength that you can ask for what you need. 

  • Find a creative outlet: Exercising your creative muscles are a great way to bring joy into your life. Find something that you enjoy creating, whether it is writing, painting, knitting, or some other outlet. It will act as a form of expression as well as a source of happiness. 

  • Do not lose your hope: No matter what happens, remember that hope is never lost. Regardless of the challenges you may face, there will always be another route you can take. As long as you keep trying to heal, hope will remain in your life. 

If you or one of your loved ones are living with major depression, then I highly encourage you to reach out to a trained professional. The pathway toward recovery may not be linear, but with hard work and determination, I promise that you can beat your major depression. I would love to help you in your journey. Reach out to my office today to get started with depression treatment.


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