How Can You Tell You're Stressed as a Highly Successful Person?

When you are highly successful, you want to give the appearance that you have everything under control. But when you are juggling different projects and tasks, it is very easy to get caught up in your stress. 

Reaching high levels of success likely means you have an intense work ethic. Knowing when to stop, however, is just as important as knowing when to go. Rather than working yourself to the brink, be sure to recognize when you are starting to feel stressed out. Excess feelings of stress can negatively impact your health, so it is very important to get on top of it early. Keep reading to find out how you can tell you are stressed as a highly successful person. 

Recognizing your stress early on

Stress is a condition that you may not be able to recognize if you are not looking for it. There are plenty of different ways it can manifest. If you are concerned that you may be feeling stressed out, here are a few traits you should be looking out for. 

  • Increased feelings of irritability 

  • Use of illicit substances like drugs or alcohol 

  • High levels of anxiety or depression 

  • Feelings of tightness in the chest 

  • Loss of appetite 

  • Physical symptoms such as headaches or gastrointestinal issues 

  • Procrastination of important tasks

  • Increased muscle tension, especially in the shoulders

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Ways stress impacts your life

As stated in the typical symptoms of stress above, it is not something that only affects your mental health. Stress can permeate every aspect of your life, including your physical health. In addition to the short-term impacts of stress, such as sore shoulders or frequent headaches, living with constant stress increases your likelihood of serious medical issues down the line. 

People living with chronic stress are almost 20% more likely to develop heart disease than those who do not experience stress. This is not meant to scare you, but merely make you aware of the pitfalls that await if you do not get your stress levels under control 

Why do stress and success go hand in hand? 

To become highly successful, you likely have to take on additional responsibilities and complete new challenges. While you may not have been experiencing stress before these additions, having more things on your plate may overwhelm you. You may also have a lot of people relying on you to complete things by a deadline and to make important decisions. 

This added pressure from other people can lead to increased levels of stress. Add this professional stress to your personal life and you may be feeling very overwhelmed indeed! The good news is that there are plenty of ways you can begin to mitigate the negative impact of stress on your life. 

Learning how to manage your stress

Although managing your stress can be challenging, there are plenty of methods you can take to eliminate it. Try implementing a few of the following into your daily routine to alleviate your stress levels. 

  • Work on deep breathing: Deep breaths are a great way to lower your heart rate and focus on the present moment. It also allows you to take a quiet moment to yourself. 

  • Practice yoga: Yoga is another great way to relax your body. It can also help strengthen your mind, body, and the connection between the two. 

  • Find humor: When you are highly successful, you may think you do not have time to enjoy yourself. Laughter, however, is one of the best medicines when it comes to stress. Try not to take everything too seriously and laugh often! 

When it comes to dealing with your stress, sometimes an outside perspective is the most helpful. Rather than letting things get out of hand, get in touch with a trained mental health professional to start receiving help. Feel free to schedule an appointment with me for work-stress therapy to get started down the path toward a happier, healthier you.


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