Career Conundrum: What to Do If You Don't Know What You Enjoy

Ask a child what they want to be when they grow up. You will get answers that express dreams in such a profound way. However, far too many people eventually wind up pursuing careers they do not like in jobs they dread. Why is this so common, and what causes the disconnect? 

Of course, there are myriad societal reasons, and each person’s journey can take unexpected turns. But a major, unexplored factor is that it takes time and sincere effort to figure out what you enjoy doing. After all, there’s a difference between finding video games fun and comprehending what your purpose is. 

What to Do If You Don't Know What You Enjoy

First of all, don’t get stressed about it. This work is more complex than it appears. So, for starters, get an old-fashioned notebook and pen and start making lists. For example, what are your strong points? What motivates you? How important are your values? Basically… how well do you know yourself? With this in mind, here are some suggested lists to compile:

  • What am I good at (that I also enjoy doing)? — This list can include natural abilities along with skills you’ve learned over time? It can be helpful to talk with the people in your life to get their input. But remember, you want to focus on skills that bring you joy.

  • Which values are most important to me? — If your career does not align with your values, you will feel inner conflict on a regular basis. These might include integrity, family, spirituality, and more. Practice not compromising when something is integral to your set of beliefs. 

  • What goals of mine light me up? — Anyone can have a goal like being financially secure by a certain age. But dig deeper and discern your motivations. What will have you excited to wake up each morning because it feels more like a mission than a job?

  • Who am I? — A major step toward a dream career is self-awareness. How do your goals match up with your personality type? 

photo of woman working on her laptop with only her hands showing

You Might Already Know What You Enjoy

Pay close attention to what you do when you’re not obligated to do something else. Make a list of these activities and then break them down into hobbies and passions. Your hobbies can be helpful when it comes to narrowing your job/career choices. But it will be your passions that aim you in the best possible direction. 

Peruse your list and focus on why you enjoy these hobbies and what makes you passionate about the others. Do you lose track of time when doing them? How long have you had this interest? Do you find yourself talking about this hobby or passion with others? Does it make you sad when you don’t get a chance to enjoy these options? Be as specific as you need to be because this exercise can be critical in deciding what career choice makes sense — at least, for now. 

From there, start taking practical steps like:

  • Looking up jobs that align with your interests

  • Decide if you’ll need to take classes or special training to move forward

  • Identify mentors who can offer input 

  • Start applying for jobs in related fields to get started

All of This Is Easier Said than Done

A world of endless notifications and impossible-to-identify deep fakes can leave anyone unsure of what they’re really feeling and thinking. To reboot and get back to basics, it helps to have a professional guide. Therapy is a proven path for digging deep to connect with your strongest needs and desires. I’d love to help you with this process through work-stress therapy or career counseling.


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