Unlocking Confidence: How to Overcome Performance Anxiety

What does performance anxiety mean to you? It’s a nuanced concept that covers a lot of ground. Put simply, anyone can feel intense anxiety when put into a position in which they have to deliver good results. For the purposes of this post, the three types of performance discussed will relate to athletic events, artistic ventures, and sexual encounters. 

Any of these “performances” can be real or perceived instances of a high-stakes situation. Therefore, the pressure is on and this automatically causes stress. How this stress impacts you can range from motivation to full-blown anxiety. Fortunately, there are proven methods for overcoming performance anxiety.

What Causes Performance Anxiety?

  • Perfectionism: Without realistic expectations, we can set ourselves up for anxiety. This includes seeing the world through an all-or-nothing lens. 

  • Fear of failure: The moment an opportunity arises, we ask “What if?” We begin visualizing bad outcomes. 

  • Lack of self-confidence: For reasons ranging from lack of preparation to childhood trauma, we may lack self-belief. Failure is what we expect. 

So, how do we stop this from happening? Before we get to answering this question, let’s make it clear that some level of performance anxiety is normal and inevitable. The goal is not to eradicate this issue but rather, to regain control over our mindset and perception.

How to Overcome Performance Anxiety in Athletic Events or Artistic Ventures

Cultivate Pre-Performance Routines

Whether your concern is hitting a high note or hitting a free throw, preparation is critical. Before the big game or show, you will be well-served by having rituals that sharpen your focus and enhance your confidence. A fine example is visualization. 

photo of a man giving a presentation at work in front of a group of people

Set Realistic Goals 

Yes, of course, it’s important to push yourself to strive for more. But this is a step-by-step process. Maintain an accurate approval of where you are right now and set goals that motivate you while still remaining attainable. 

Practice Positive Self-Talk 

This is a direct counter to any potential fear of failure or ongoing lack of confidence. Challenge your inner critic by reframing negative thoughts. Replace doubt with constructive affirmations. Speak your success into existence. Such mantras can smoothly become part of the routines discussed above. 

Develop Coping Skills

Everyone will struggle at times. That’s when you’ll need coping mechanisms to keep you calm and able to adapt. Common examples include breathing exercises and mindful meditation. 

What About Sexual Performance Anxiety?

This can involve erectile dysfunction but sexual performance anxiety is about more than one specific issue. It means you doubt your ability to satisfy a partner — whatever that means to you. This fear may manifest in symptoms like low libido, vaginal dryness, inability or attain or maintain an erection, and premature ejaculation. Once you have ruled out an underlying medical cause, it is widely suggested that you try relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises.

However, a major step in a new direction can be taken by choosing to communicate. Sexual performance anxiety impacts your partner, too. Opening up to them and being vulnerable can lower the stakes and ease the tension. Commit together to directly discussing what you feel and do not be shy about asking for help and patience.

Does This Sound Like It’s Easier Said Than Done?

Performance anxiety has the potential to stop you from taking chances in life. Reversing this trend typically requires a little more than personal steps and lifestyle changes. Working with a skilled therapist provides you with a safe space to identify the root causes of your problem. Armed with that awareness, you are better positioned to create new approaches that will tamp down the anxiety in your life. I’d love to talk with you more about all of this for anxiety treatment.


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